Innovations. Renewables

Solar Thermal Calculator



The textile sector is one the largest and oldest sectors in the country’s economy and amongst the most important in terms of output, investment and employment. The sector employs nearly 35 million people and after agriculture, it is the second largest employer in the country. Its importance is underlined by the fact that it accounts for approximately 4% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 14% of industrial production, 9% of excise collections, 18% of employment in the industrial sector and 16% of the country’s total export earnings. While textile exports are increasing, with India becoming the largest exporter of cotton yarn and an important player in ready-made garments, the country’s international textile trade constitutes a mere 3% of the total world trade in textiles.

Business Opportunity

The textile sector is one of the highest energy consuming sectors in the country. Textile processing covers steps ranging from singeing (removal of protruding fibre) to finishing and printing of the fabric and manufacturing polyester, polyester filament yarn, acrylic, nylon, viscose, cotton textiles, etc. As per statistics provided by the Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), the primary energy consumption in the sector was 4.46 Mtoe in 2007–08.
Textile processing requires a lot of hot water in the range of 40–110˚C at various stages of the process. The requisite heat can easily be generated through solar energy.

Solar Thermal Interface Processes for Textile Processes.

Process Energy being used Temperature required ˚C Recommended solar technology
Desizing Thermal 60–90 ETC
Scouring Thermal 90–110 ETC/Concentrators
Bleaching Electrical ------ Solar PV
Thermal 90–93 ETC
Mercerizing Electrical ----- Solar PV
Thermal 60-70 FPC
Dyeing Thermal 70–90 FPC
Finishing Thermal 40-100 ETC