Innovations. Renewables

Solar Thermal Calculator

Paper And Pulp


The pulp and paper sector is one of the most energy-intensive sectors within the Indian economy. The paper industry in India is the 15th largest in the world and accounts for about 1.6% of the world’s production of paper and paperboard. There are about 515 units engaged in the manufacture of paper, paperboards and newsprint in India. The industry has been considered in the category of Designated Consumers by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).

Business Opportunity

The pulp and paper industry is one of the most energy-intensive within the Indian economy. There are about 515 units engaged in the manufacture of paper, paperboards and newsprint in India. The sector consumes a significant amount of energy to generate steam that is mainly required in debarking and chipping, digesting and washing, pulping, bleaching and paper drying. The ASI has estimated the primary energy consumption of this sector at 7.56 Mtoe during 2007–08. There is good potential in the sector to replace some of the conventional energy sources with solar applications.

Solar Thermal Interface Processes for Dairy Processes.

Process Energy being used Application media Temperature required ˚C Recommended solar technology
Debarking and chipping Thermal Hot water 40–60 FPC
Digesting and washing Thermal Hot water > 90 Solar PV
Electrical ----- ----- Solar PV
Pulping Thermal Process heating > 120 Solar Concentrators
Thermal Boiler feed water 70 FPC
Bleaching Thermal Process heating – boiler feed water heating 70 FPC
Thermal Process heating – Steam > 120 Solar Concentrators
Paper drying Thermal Hot air supply > 120 Solar air heating systems